Asad Jamal analysis on Cyber Crime !!!


Advocate Asad Jamal from the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan spoke on the issue. Mr Jamal initially criticized the legislative structures that are, in his opinion, not working in the right direction. Mr. Jamal said that there are no legislative bodies around the world that function or pass bills without appropriate relevant research on the matter.The advocate said that the Government should think over the question that whether if the internet users are aware of the complete and elaborate implications of this bill. The Government should have better communication with the end users on the scenario.He further added that there are a lot of open ended sections on the bill that need to be addressed on an immediate basis before putting this legislation in proper effect. Mr. Jamal was also of the opinion that the cyber terrorism section is redundant as it is already present in 11W of the Anti Terrorism Act of Pakistan. Also, there are some sections, as if in sync with other legislations that this tenure has seen, can be categorized as “over-legislations”. Mr. Jamal said that the section 34 that authorizes the PTA to seize any objectionable material on the cyber space is potentially dangerous and in direct contradiction to privacy and social liberties.


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