Moeed Pirzada

Director-general military operation’s briefing…!

Moeed Pirzada | I arrived at the director-general military operation’s briefing on November 29 traumatised and almost convinced that NATO may haveattacked the Pakistani posts...

US & Pakistan: need to emerge from the nightmare at Salala!

Moeed Pirzada | I came to the DGMO Pakistan Military’s briefing on 29th Nov traumatized and almost convinced that NATO may have attacked the Pakistani...

NATO attacks & disinformation leaks in international media, why?

Moeed Pirzada | We need to critically evaluate the claims being released by unnamed Afghan and Western officials in Wall Street Journal and Guardian. We cannot...

Is a palace coup unfolding in Pakistan?

Moeed Pirzada | A palace coup could be in the offing in nuclear-armed Pakistan as pro-Taliban army generals try to undermine democratically elected civilian government...

What Imran Khan achieved in Lahore and why?

Moeed Pirzada | Imran Khan did not have the charisma of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto or the oratorical skills of Benazir, but what he had, in his...