
Just spoke with IGP Punjab …!

Just spoke with IGP Punjab. Punjab Police Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) is parading out its first batch of Counter-Terror Force (CTF) with 421 officers trained...

Imran Khan in an Exclusive discussion with Dr. Moeed PIrzada

Imran Khan in an exclusive discussion with Dr. Moeed Pirzada in year 2010 and discussed future of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf in Pakistan's Politics....

Bangladesh Hangings: Is there a method to this madness?

Moeed Pirzada is lead Senior Anchor, Columnist & Editor Strategic Affairs with Dunya News.He is a known media & political commentator who has worked...

James Bond Movie

Moeed Pirzada | FB Blog | Specter, Latest James Bond Movie & why it's so amazing? Bond movies have always been a barometer of global political agenda, of...