Face to Face with Chief Minister Balouchistan Abdul Malik Balouch


Dr. Moeed Pirzada had an interview with Chief Minister Baluchistan Abdul Malik Baloch. In which critical issues of Baluchistan government were discussed. Dr. Moeed Pirzada asked him the reasons that why majority of PMLN and coallition partners were opposing Baluchistan Government acts and the reason behind Nawab Sanaullah Zehri anger.

Chief Minister Abdul Malik Bloch said in the interview that it was difficult to run a coalition government and we are facing many difficulties in this regard. Dr Baloch was confident and hoped that differences pointed out by Sanaullah Zehri would be addressed. While commenting on 18th Amendment, Dr. Malik mentioned that after assuming power he had decreased ministers in the cabinet while problems concerning poverty, missing persons, development funds are some of the challenges faced by the coalition government.

Chief Minister Abdul Malik Balouch said Ferrari Camps and Sepatrist School of Thought exists who often spreads this notion that Baluch nation cannot Co-exist with Pakistan. While we are working to control missing persons issue but exact number of missing persons is not known so far. Malick baloch said that in 1973 Army operation created huge problems in Baluchistan while Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took few wrong steps regarding Baluchistan. Though General Zia ul Haq time was good for Baluchistan.
When Dr. Moeed Pirzada asked him about Balochistan Government’s achievements Abdul Malik Baloch said that in the past political workers were kidnapped and later they were dumped but now this problem is solved to some extent. Kidnapping, Target killing, ransom were also controlled. Roads, Highways were safe for travel.


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