General Hameed Gul’s Exclusive Discussion with Dr. Moeed Pirzada


General Hameed Gul’s Exclusive views on Afghan War and the role of Pakistan with Dr. Moeed Pirzada. Dr. Moeed points some important historical statements of Hameed Gul’s after 9/11 incident which he terms as mystery unsolved or more as a inside job, Start of U.S invasion on Afghanistan, which not only deteriorated Pakistan’s peace but also put State of Pakistan in difficult situation in terms of taking action against the “Taliban” and wider challenges of the region.

Events are happening really fast, Gul has repeatedly stated that Pakistan must end its pro-Western stance in the war on terror. Pakistan only supports the West because it needs American money, he has said, adding that at some point, Allah willing, Pakistan won’t be dependent on outside help, Gul clearly pointed out his stance that irrespective of US military superiority, it will fail to get control on Afghanistan though its military muscle and a U.S-India nexus will be formed to put more pressure on Pakistani military and civilian leadership. General Gul’s many critics believe and admit that many of these predictions have proven right and somehow or another U.S is pushing Pakistan “To do more”.

Dr. Pirzada critically analyze the current changing situation of Afghanistan and U.S strategy to tackle those challenges by the Obama administration, while on the other hand the changing political dimensions in India and its role in Afghanistan can bring different perspectives to the regional peace and stability. Time will answer all these Questions ? Watch Interesting discussion.


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