Miss Gul Bukhari Analysis on Cyber Crime !!!


Ms Gul Bukhari, a prominent cyber-activist and social media personality expressed her views on the Cyber-crime bill. Miss Bukhari said that the narrative can be divided into two: The reservations against the bill and the state powers flexed through it. The reservations, she said, have mostly been addressed. Most of the areas have been covered but there are still a lot of ambiguity and grey areas to be addressed. The state powers, she said, are too dominant in this connotation. Miss Bukhari said that the issue to get a probable cause established before apprehension was not addressed. Infact, the situation was made worse by extending powers of an investigative officer to the point that he can make enquiries or arrests without a warrant, in the case that he notifies the court within 24 hours. Miss Bukhari also said that the data sharing legislation that convicts a person to 3 months in prison for sharing data is flawed in itself. She said that secret data doesn’t need to be shared via social media or private inboxes; it can be transferred manually or misused by the felon himself. Miss Bukhari said that reservations like these intimate the need for a review of this bill, for it to be made comprehensive. She also said that there are headings in the bill that require elaboration, such as: the section for berating the glory of Islam needs to be clarified. Similarly the section for anti-state statements needs to be made comprehensive. She said that so much grey area is not appropriate. Miss Bukhari was of the opinion that the powers vested in PTA officials on the decisive ends are unacceptable. When asked how effective the bill would prove to be, Miss Bukhari said that it’s very difficult to state that with the current position of the bill. Miss Bukhari said that the security paradigm and cyber crime should be kept separate; the integration of these two has presented the whole problem.


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