Tonight with Moeed Pirzada: An Exclusive Interview with Shah Mehmood Qureshi !!!


Shah Mehmood Qureshi,  Senior Leader of Pakistan Tehreek E Insaf and Ex- Foreign Minister of the State joined Doctor Moeed Pirzada to comment on various issues. Shedding light on recent insurgencies in Quetta, Mr Qureshi said that it was a failure of the government to not have been able to cope with internal security issues. The Quetta carnage, he said, seems like an orchestrated and well planned attack. He said that the government had been given the go ahead by the opposition parties for every security amendment and plan that they came up with, but it was all to no avail.
Mr Qureshi, commenting on the recent controversial statements of baloch leader Mr. Mehmood Khan Achakzai,  said that the matter needs to be enquired about. He said that Mr.Achakzai had also issued controversial and unpatriotic statements recently when he said that the KPK province belongs to the Afghan people, his intentions need to be probed into. And the force responsible for compelling Mr.Achakzai to issue such statements needs to be unmasked.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the government’s priorities are inclined towards orange train and metro bus, it has never been the government’s priority to work on the National Action Plan.
Commenting on the Terms of Reference on the Panama Leaks issue, he said that there had been a stringent deadlock on the matter after the seventh meeting. When asked about the defeat suffered by Tehreek E Insaf in the Azad Kashmir elections, Mr. Qureshi said that the federal government always has a leverage over the elections in Azad Kashmir, that pattern has been observed throughout.


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