Tonight With Moeed Pirzada: Indian Atrocity in Kashmir !!!


Famous Kashmiri separatist leader Yasin Malik’s wife Mishal Malik, chairperson Peace and Cultural Organization was invited in show to discuss the brutality of Indian forces in Kashmir. Dr. Pirzada asked her whether she is satisfied with the government’s measure as Nawaz Sharif and the Cabinet announced strike on 19th July, called joint session of Parliament and declared Burhan Wani a Marty of freedom movement. Ms. Mishal Malik appreciated the government’s step. She said that government should also take more measures for Kashmir movement. Indian held Kashmir has not been declared war zone yet by international community and they are defend themselves from brutality of Indian forces who are legally protected under acts to beat, kill or even rape of innocent Kashmiris. She criticized the role of Mehboba Mufti and Omer Abdullah who never helped Kashmiris under such situation and instead doing drama with crocodile tears. Ms. Malik demanded that Prime Minister should address the nation and must take them in confidence on Kashmir which is our national cause, as previous he appeared twice on Panama issue. Strong diplomatic measure must be taken to give strong message worldwide that Pakistanis are serious and concerned over Indian atrocities in Kashmir.


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