Tonight with Moeed Pirzada: Indian threats, China had the ace of spades all along !!


Lieutenant General (r) Amjad Shuaib, prominent defense analyst joined Doctor Moeed Pirzada to offer his analysis on the on-going hostility between India and Pakistan, originated after the false flag ‘Uri’ base camp attack.
In light of the recent water blockade by the government of China on Tibetan fronts after the Indian government threatened to violate the Sindh-taas water treaty, the general said that India and China have no active water treaty, so it is under China’s liberty to shut down its waters on India whenever it deems fit.
Commenting on the Indian outcry of being a victim of terrorism, he said that Pakistan has suffered from this plague continuously for the past decade. After the 2008 attack, this Uri attack is the second (as denoted by the Indian authorities) terrorist attack to have happened in India. In comparison to Pakistan, India has not suffered to external terrorism at all. India has been victim to internally instigated terrorism, like the Tamil Tigers and other rebel movements.
He also revealed that regarding the much criticized move of the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the UNGA of not discussing the Indian saboteur Commander Kulbushan Yadav, the Prime Minister was given a complete dossier of the details of the saboteur before the speech, but it was rejected on technical grounds.


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