Tonight With Moeed Pirzada: Panama Papers & Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri 2 !!!


Dr Moeed Pirzada talks to head of Pakistan Awami Tehrek Dr Tahirul Qadri on proposed Judicial Commission to investigate  off shore companies of PM nawaz sharif’ s children leaked in Panama Papers. Dr Tahirul Qadri is of the view that the proposed commission and its Terms of Reference will not be effective for the corruptions and money laundering allegations if it is formed under the inquiry act 1956 for the commissions as suggested by federal Government. The reason is that the commission will only give civil judges powers to the commission although it will be formed by Supreme Court and chief justice. He said government is only trying to make fool of people who don’t understand legalities of the commission suggested by the Governments.
Commission will not be able to prosecute anyone found guilty. Also it gives authority to federal government either to make the findings public or not. According to Tahirul Qadri chief justice should make commission under PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION 1947 Act.


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