Tonight with Moeed Pirzada: The former Vice Chief and his birds; Paksitan’s Operational Readiness!


Our hostile neighbor has been making statements and threats that could potentially mean danger for Pakistan’s existence. But is all the bigotry really on point? Does our neighbor have any bullets in the guns he’s waving in our face?

Former Vice Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal (r) Shahid Latif joined Doctor Moeed Pirzada to present his take on military strengths, comparisons and strategies. The AM said that the Pakistani armed forced possess the capability of a very strong deterrence. He said that the only possibility of a surgical strike would mean an airstrike. Leading with that, he said that the PAF is superior in technology and capability than the Indian Air Force. He said that although the IAF has close to 2000 air crafts, their serviceability is 18-30%. While in the PAF, the serviceability of the air crafts is kept at 90% at all times.

He said that the Indians lack strategic strengths. The 1999 shoot-down of the Indian air crafts was a prime example of the loopholes in the Indian arsenal. He said that the 2011 American infiltration into Pakistani airspace (The Osama Bin Laden incident) held an element of surprise because the Pakistani forces did not expect a betrayal from the West.


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