Moeed Pirzada

Pakistan’s NCOC: Birth of a powerful democratic institution

Last week I had the opportunity to spend a whole day at National Command and Operational Centre (NCOC) and I left with this palpable...

Remembering Muhammad Pickthall: Quran’s first credible English Translator

Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall died on 19th May, 1936. Today, few in the Muslim world remember him but maybe they should for he was the first...

Post-Corona World Order: Democratic or Authoritarian?

Francis Fukuyama’s, End of History and the Last Man (1992) – influenced by the events triggered by Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan (1987), Fall of...

Do Muslims believe in mantras of “Liberal World Order” – Why not?

Do Muslims in general – and Pakistanis in specific – care for liberal democracy? This question came to my mind, unbidden, unprompted, as I...

Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan

Peace Agreement signed in Doha between the US and Taliban is certainly historic and a moral victory for Pakistan. But New Delhi is bound...