Dr. Pirzada participated in a seminar, “Media and the Issues of Professional Ethics” organized by Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) at Islamabad on 12th...
Moeed Pirzada | FB Blog |
I arrived at the director-general military operation’s briefing on November 29 traumatised and almost convinced that NATO may haveattacked the Pakistani...
Dr Moeed Pirzada invited by National Defence University to discuss on "Information Warfare and Information Operations",this program was organized on 23rd November 2011 at...
Moeed Pirzada | FB Blog |
A palace coup could be in the offing in nuclear-armed Pakistan as pro-Taliban army generals try to undermine democratically elected civilian...
Moeed Pirzada | FB Post |
From “The Taliban Shuffle”by Kim Barker (published by Doubleday): “With Bhutto gone,I needed to meet the lion of Punjab,or maybe the...