Will Modi join in the 19th SAARC Summit (Nov, 2016) in Pakistan?

Pakistan’s defacto Foreign Minister, Sartaj Aziz, met his Indian counter part, Sushma Swaraj, at the 37th Council of SAARC Ministers Meeting in Nepal and delivered formal invitation from PM Nawaz for Narendra Modi to attend the 19th SAARC Summit being held in Pakistan in month of November this year. Defense and foreign policy analyst General (R) Amjad Shoaib thinks that Narendra Modi will not attend coming SAARC summit in Pakistan and no one should fall to any illusion of Modi’s recent visit to Lahore where he attended a private marriage ceremony. While commenting on this visit he also mentioned how PM Modi double played Pakistan as soon after this visit, incident of Pathankot Airbase happened which ignited another episode of blame game towards Pakistan.

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