Tag: Moeed Pirzada


Face2Face: An Exclusive Interview of Imran khan With Dr. Moeed Pirzada

An Exclusive Interview of Imran khan With Dr. Moeed Pirzada was recorded on 23rd January, 2014. This Interview was conducted when Federal government was...

Lost history …!

Moeed Pirzada | Lost History: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Scientists, Thinkers and Artists. By Michael Hamilton Morgan, (National Geographic) – Anyone interested in reading...

Lost History …!

Moeed Pirzada | FB Blog | Lost History: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Scientists, Thinkers and Artists. By Michael Hamilton Morgan, (National Geographic) - Anyone interested in...

Growing Question: Afghanistan & Region Beyond 2014?

Moeed Pirzada |Pakistan Today| Grappling with the puzzle What will happen in Afghanistan once the US and allies withdraw the bulk of their forces? Will Afghan...

Afghanistan Beyond 2014?

Moeed Pirzada|The Nation| Council on Foreign Relations is blue planet’s foremost think tank and “Foreign Affairs” is its prestigious and most sought after publication. If...

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