Tag: Moeed Pirzada

Perception Management

Dr. Moeed Pirzada participated in a seminar at National Defence University,Islamabad on 26 November 2013. The Seminar was held on "Perception Management", Dr Moeed in...

Hangu Strike: Why Imran Khan is Right?

Moeed Pirzada | The Nation | The latest US drone strike in Hangu, within the “settled areas of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” has raised altogether new challenges...

Fighting Terror Through the Lens of Conspiracy Theorists

Moeed Pirzada | PIQUE Magazine | The past few weeks have not been kind to the politics of Imran Khan. After the high-water mark of APC...

A Popular Drone Strike: Paradox & Implications?

MOEED PIRZADA |THE NATION | Hakimullah Mehsud’s death in Danday Darpakhel by US hellfire missiles on 1st Nov, 2013, is clearly the first palpably popular...

Media: Need for Regulatory Policy, Ministry of Information, Islamabad, 29th October 2013

Dr. Pirzada gave a talk on the 'Media: Need for Regulatory Policy' to the officers and probationers of the Information Academy at the Information...

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