Tag: #pakistan

Tonight with Moeed Pirzada: India is 200 Percent behind the recent wave of terrorism in Pakistan !

Former President Pervaiz Musharraf said that Afghan Intelligence Agency, NDS is playing in Indian hands and is being used as a tool for facilitating...

Tonight with Moeed Pirzada: US approach to Pakistan !

Indian’s maneuvering Dr Moeed Pirzada explained that the democracy is not only name of winning elections, not a single person or state institutions have...

Tonight with Moeed Pirzada: Pakistan commemorates 5th February as Kashmir solidarity day

JKLF Chairman Yaseen Malik applauded people of Pakistan for extending and showing solidarity with the Kashmiris and for their fight for self Determination and...

Tonight with Moeed Pirzada: Hafiz Saeed’s House Arrest Political Drama or Foreign Pressure

On the order of house arrest of Hafiz Saeed by the government, many have been speculating that it was due to the pressure from...

Tonight with Moeed Pirzada: Trump banning Muslims and fight against ISIS: Risks for Pakistan

Dr Moeed Pirzada discussed the current global situation and concerns of Muslims over the ban for entering in United States. How could it be...

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