When Khurram Rashid, District Police Officer (DPO) of Abottabad, was descending down the winding hilly pathway towards the ill-fated village of 'Maqool Payin' located...
Sunday 24th April probably deserves a small footnote in Pakistan’s political history.
With Imran Khan of PTI announcing a ‘Campaign against Corruption’ from Fatima Jinnah...
Moeed Pirzada |
With Imran Khan of PTI announcing a ‘Campaign against Corruption’ from Fatima Jinnah Park in Islamabad; Jammat-e-Islami organizing a ‘Dharna’ (Sit Down...
Exclusive Talk: Moulana Abdul Aziz with Dr. Moeed Pirzada. In this interview Dr. Pirzada puts some interesting questions in front of Moulana Abdul Aziz...